We Build Tech Teams
That Shape the Future
For Leading Enterprises

Expect more – we’re resetting standards in tech recruiting

Enabling Technology Teams to Impact Business Growth, Brands, & Corporate Cultures

IT Avalon has a rich history of providing enterprises with top-tier technical resources that support all aspects of their business. We see the value of tech teams extend beyond innovating, coding, and implementing. We help clients build tech teams that enable what matters most – healthy top-line revenue growth, bottom-line EBITDA, brands, and corporate cultures.

Our Talent

We take a holistic view of your workforce needs. We triangulate full-time, contractor, and contract-to-hire requirements as one human capital strategy that maps to business goals across your entire enterprise – from R&D and IT to technical resourcing that
supports G&A and GTM functions.

  • AI engineering
  • Software engineering
  • DevOps
  • IT infrastructure
  • Data management
  • Cybersecurity
  • Project managers
  • Solution architecture

IT Avalon’s ability to source top-tier talent, particularly for unique roles that are difficult to fill, has significantly contributed to our business growth and operational efficiency. 

- Fortune 500 Company

Our Services


We treat contractors like first-class
citizens – in other words, like
employees – which attracts top-tier
(not any-tier) talent for your projects.

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Direct Hires

We excel in delivering premium top-notch talent, even for roles with hard-to-find skills. Our method puts us in a unique position to find and place premium talent.

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We are connected to a rich network
of companies in a variety of industries
that all have full-time hiring and
contractor needs.

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Our Benefits

Our founders are lifelong recruiters who only hire career recruiters.
We focus on top talent, not any talent. We are surgical in matching
candidates to hiring managers, focusing on soft-skill alignment
more than other agencies.

  • Experienced recruiters
  • Top-tier talent database
  • Medical, 401k for contractors
  • Candidate assessment
  • Cultural fit assessment
  • AI-enabled sourcing
  • Post-hire check-in
Candidates to
Every Hire
Talent Retention Rate
Avg. Years Experience

Our Customers

Our Approach

Our Approach

Our Proven Methodology For Acquiring Top-tier Enterprise Tech Talent

Experience the most rapid placement in the industry from our precise talent sourcing, hiring, and onboarding process.

IT Avalon takes a fresh, unique approach to recruiting talent that enables our business with greater speed and impact. They have an actual methodology that streamlines recruiting processes to materially impact our business weeks or months faster than other agencies. Their knack for closing hard-to-fill roles, candidate quality, and hiring speed boost our operational scale and productivity.
Steve Salaets 

CIO & EVP, Rimini Street

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Your business and career depend on
knowledge and perspective. Learn from the
most forward-thinking business leaders and
HR experts on a range of topics – from
modern-day methodology and hiring
approaches to talent matching and industry
benchmarks on hiring efficiency.

Shaping Teams That Innovate The Future

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4 Reasons Why Partnering with a Tech Staffing Agency is Worth IT!

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